Other Ways to Give

If you do not have time to attend our regular PTA Meetings or to volunteer your time at a fundraising event, there are still several ways to contribute to the Devinny PTA to support the school and students!

Collect Box Tops

Look at your box of cereal or other packaged products (cake mixes, prepared meals) and you may see a "Box Tops for Education" symbol. Clip carefully around the edge of the token and send them to school with your child. In this simple way, over $2,000 a year is raised for school programs! Join Box Tops today to earn an additional 5 Box Tops for Devinny. Volunteer support is also needed with our PTA Box Tops Committee.

Donate Books to the Devinny Classroom Book Drive

We are looking to increase the number of books available to students in their classrooms. To grow our classroom libraries we would like to solicit your support by donating to the school those books appropriate for students in all grades that are no longer actively being read in your homes. These donations are a great way to free up some shelf space, secure a year-end tax deduction, and support your school. Books can be deposited at the main office.

Shop At Any of These Locations or Online:

Veldkamp's Flowers 10% off for you / 10% for Devinny—Use Promotion Code DEV-01 when ordering (visit veldkamps.com)

  1. To get 10% off for you and 10% for the school, use the Devinny Promotion Code DEV-01 when ordering ANY product that Veldkamp's sells!

  2. Call (303) 232-2673 to order by phone.

  3. Order online at veldkamps.com.

  4. Visit the store at Colfax and Hoyt for direct purchases.

Don't forget—you always must mention DEV-01 to get your 10% personal discount and your 10% school donation every time on every purchase every way you buy.